Monday, February 21, 2011


Wednesdays lab was in the gym at Park Center so we could prepare for the next time we go to St. Marys. We started out by playing blob tag with everyone for a warm up! It was a lot of fun but also pretty tiring when your it! We went over the hops with the class and talked about how the children of different ages would be able to handle more advanced games and younger children wouldn't be very good at hoping yet. Then we got to test out some of our games that we were going to use with the kids! People came up with some very creative games which were all a lot of fun to do with everyone. Our group, which was practicing for the special group, played a game where the people it were Elmer Fud and the people running were all Bugs Bunny. Elmer Fud has to hit the rabbits below the knee with a noodle to get them and the bunnies can jump into hula hoops, or their hole, to be safe for five seconds. When your tagged you have to sit down and someone has to come slap your hand to free you. It is a great game to play since our theme is cartoons! It should be a lot of fun to do with the kids at St. Mary's!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

St Marys

Today I spent time with the preschool students at St. Mary's. We had a theme of healthy foods and did different activities to incorporate them. First the students colored pictures with different fruits and vegetables on them and told us what each of the foods was. Then we played the memory game in two different groups. The students loved playing to get matching cards with different foods on them.  At first I wasn't sure how it would go because it is usually a two player game and I had to make it work with over ten students. To do this I decided to divide the cards and play two separate games. Then with about six students in each game I divided them up into teams of three. The students had to use patience, memory, and team work along with a number of other skills while playing and all the students loved the game and wanted to continue playing when it was snack time. I really got a feel for working with the kids today because I had to change my plans to make it work for the whole class and it was a success. Theres nothing better than having the kids your working with tell you they loved the game that you worked on to put together for them and not want to stop playing when it was time to clean up!